I always feel fortunate when I meet people who really get me. I feel fortunate that despite the minimal amount of time we've spent together, we have now laid foundation to a great friendship. We have now begun on a path of being there for each other, of being each other's support systems, of really having what, in my opinion, very few people have and that is extremely hard to find and keep. I, for one, have been extremely lucky in this aspect. I have few but very dear support systems and I cannot go one day without them. I said something to someone today which I liked very much (this is certainly the limit of loving oneself, I reminisce about things I said! Good God, I am a lost cause). Anyway, this is what I said - "I am awesome because I am associated with awesome people". Sounds a bit pompous eh? It most certainly is not meant to sound that way at all.
All of my associations are key contributors to this eclectic, now bordering on eccentric stuff I put out. I don't know if I just insulted my dear dear friends or praised the living daylights out of them. You see, that's the beautiful part of having people who get you, close to you. You almost never have to explain. And while I have so much to take, so much to learn from these inspiring people around me, I have so little to give back. And when they tell me that some of the things I give back are a level of comfort, act as a sounding board, a punching bag, I feel blessed. It's indeed hard to find the wonderful wonderful people that I have managed to find in my life. This one's dedicated to the newest addition to my precious list. You know who you are. Awesomeness thou art, personified. I am keeping you close to my heart for a long time starting 2 days ago. :)
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