Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Got respect?

Ever wonder why some days, events, phases of life have meaning only when the people involved uphold respect solemnized (albeit subtly) to one another? In absence of this, these days, events, even phases of life just crumble to become bitter memories that come back to haunt one. Respect is such a hard 7 letter word. Hard to get it, hard to keep it. Also, such an involuntary emotion one feels for another. Extremely tough to manipulate, is that mutual sense of respect two individuals have for one another.

Love, hate, anger, happiness manifest themselves much more easily and are so fleeting. Feeling that sense of respect for another person and gaining that from another, needs time, mutual-interest and is something which cannot be handed out lightly. Precisely why, it hurts so much more, if one shows utter disrespect - to your emotions, to your actions, to you. It makes all those days, events and life-instances suddenly seem meaningless, almost mocking one for having gone through those.

Here's the million dollar question - Is there any meaning to a relationship, ANY relationship, if there is no mutual sense of respect? To me, presence or absence of it is a make or break deal. We humans are pack animals. I would assume that anyone with a little bit of sanity, would want to be in the company of individuals who make us happy. Being respected for what we are, me thinks, makes us feel happy. Sounds pretty straightforward, doesn't it?

How then, do people, with intelligent minds and reasonable intellects end up in the company of folks who have absolutely no respect for them? Why do we, against all better judgment, let that happen to us? Love/affection,  I think cause each and every one of us to face this humiliation at some point or another in our lives.  It's the fine print that comes with every relationship which none of us reads. Sometimes it works out, most times it doesn't. And what we are left with are, days, events and phases of life which are now just moments of shame, pain and remorse. Meaningless days, lost events and empty phases.

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