Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Not a genius, barely a thinker

Is it possible to feel a sense of loss over something that is not yours to begin with? Humans are such strange beings! Blogs such as this, get any audience because people, being the way they are, never cease to stump themselves. We are a work of art, someone or something's finest pride and glory, yet, so often we manage to display little variation from chimps hanging off trees.

Some genius thinker once said, "If its absence doesn't hurt, its probably not worth the time you are giving it". That person is not a genius by any means and barely a thinker. Just someone random, walking the face of earth trying to make some sense out of a predominantly self induced chaotic existence.

Social beings that we inadvertently are, we are all wired to fit together in a certain way. Some relationships give us a sense of security, some give us pure unadulterated joy, some give us a terrible adrenaline rush, some let us fly free, and others make us feel comfy cozy. Of the above five manifestations of emotions, most of us tend towards folks that provide at least one of these to us. People who make us feel two or more of these emotions are in our list of folks who pretty much make our lives what they are, thus making them life support systems. If we are lucky enough to find that someone who can provide all of these emotions, it is a fairy tale beginning to something stupendous.

Needless to say, fairy tales find a better place in the fiction section of Barnes and Noble than in real life. In this instance, it is primarily due to the fact that it is almost impossible (dare I?) for more than three of the above manifestations to co-exist. Check out the portfolio of your relationships. You have your careless friends (ones that make you feel like superman), the adorable caring/giving ones (ones you tend to take for granted) and ones that challenge and tingle your thinking (ones that keep our lives on toes).

While each one of us stumble upon some combination of traits in every relationship we encounter in the course of our lives, which are the ones which leave the biggest impressions in our life? Which are the ones we cannot do without? Which are the ones that make us feel like the statement the not-a-genius-barely-a-thinker made?


Rahul Ramesh said...

People are not a work of art, more an example of art gone wrong. Someone was playing a cruel joke somewhere and people happened.

Does this person with all three qualities exist?

Isnt a thinker a genius? The thinker realizes it is genius to think-for-himself/herself rather than being "Another brick in the wall"!

Thank the thinkers!For without them, we would have little to write about :)

Rashmi Chitrakar said...

Well, given our intellectual potential, I still say that people are not short of someone's pride and glory. Given what we end up acting like, we are exactly what you described.

I don't think a person with > 3 of those qualities exists. Which is why I think it is totally silly to expect such a thing.

I do appreciate the thinkers a lot. And you and I are on our way to giving a lot of food for thought. I classify myself as barely-a-thinker at this point though.