There are few things that beat the joy of seeing your parent after 18 months. As of now, none come to mind. The senses tingle, the mind races, sleep leaves you, the images of them the last time you said goodbye replay in your head over and over, tears of happiness are shed in anticipation, you wish you could fast forward time to get to them and hit pause on time when you give them that first hug.
Saying that I am fortunate to be the child of my parents is such an understatement. Saying that I feel like destiny's child is underplaying it. It's overwhelming and humbling at the same time. I never realized when they went from being caregivers to my closest friends. It happened so seamlessly that it's almost miraculous.
So here's to two people who taught me to float on the clouds of success with my head held down, to cry tears of defeat while pulling myself back up, to never, never ever give up, to my biggest cheerleaders and my pillars of strength - I truly would be nothing without you. I hope I can spend the rest of my life, being for you, what you have been to me all my life - your strength, your pride and glory, your caregiver, your friend. I love you for everything you stand for - Ma, Pa.