Power. Even saying the word creates a stir. Makes one feel invincible, undefeated. Makes one do things according to whim and fancy. These very things make it terribly important to arbitrate the handing out of power. The power of decision making, of altering the course of actions, of breaking something that was visibly alright. I cannot even begin mentioning the people that get sucked into these power wars, who have absolutely no control or say, have no option but to watch as well functioning entities which they have put a lot of effort and hard work into, drop to, as one of my good friends puts it, "things that go poof".
The point I guess I am trying to make is, this power battle almost seems like a game called "dog and the bone" we used to play when we were kids. Two folks at each turn, try to grab a piece of cloth and bolt out. The one who is the faster one, and can manage to grab that thing without the other one touching his/her arm takes the honors. The key though is, the win IS a short lived one. You have to give another person his/her turn to try for the "big" guns. Whether you like it or not, you surrender your victory for others to go for it. Since that piece of cloth has little to no value to one, surrendering it almost always barely hurts. But as we grow older, as things at stake become more and more precious, so does the desperation to keep fighting and never give them up.
This inevitably leads me to think - When does this power struggle end in the course of one's life? The more important thing is, when power gets granted to the "wrong" person (well, who am I to judge?), do you suck it up and live with it, or do you break free? And is this decision, by any means, an easy one? There is that inertia to change, there is comfort in the current state, there is familiarity in the current state. Does exploring the unknown become more and more difficult as one grows older? Or is it just a personality thing?
Either way, I believe that in profession as in relationships, there are clear signs planted all through one's life. Signs that will guide one to make the right decision. The difficult part is knowing and accepting that the decision is a good one and will be a positive reinforcement to one's life, which will become apparent later, if not then. I truly believe that this trust, in and itself is such an empowerment. Faith that life has something amazing in store for you. That each and every day is here to unfold itself to you and take your breath away. That confidence in itself is such a high. On that note, I wish that this self-empowerment washes over your life, my dear reader. I wish I can infect you with the happiness and rush that this confidence brings to me. I wish that today and everyday of your life makes you feel like you and only you can hold life by its reigns and keep it galloping like you cant care less about the end to this wonderful ride.