It's strange really. How the same things, the same person seem totally different when your perspective in life changes. It's such a powerful thing, perspective. All you really do is put yourself in people's shoes. You will realize that it's much easier to let things go. Much easier to move on without the bickering, the arguments, the mess.
IMHO, there's no mantra to it. We just happen to love ourselves much more. We give ourselves more leway, way much more benefit of the doubt. And it's simply because of this that we find ourselves forgiving others more when we put things into perspective.
And why not? Surely it must make us better people, no? Just making an attempt shouldn't hurt? If it does help, we may just manage to make our already short life span somewhat simpler. And bring in more smiles. Now that seems worth a shot.
Almost appears to be a no-brainer to do the same for people on our speed dial. I mean these folks who you want to be able to reach at the touch of a button surely deserve that much, I would assume.
And somehow most of us fail, terribly. I by no means am any exception. And it really is a pity that we humans find understanding, adjusting, empathizing so incredibly difficult.
I have no sermons to give and most definitely no "life-experience" to add. But I do hope that this be your takeaway if you cared enough to read thus far. Each day as you complain about the weather, the long morning flight that finally got you to work that Monday morning as you got back from that vacation, broccoli for dinner, perhaps you will hold close to your mind and heart - one little almost magical word-perspective.