Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Peace - will thy be mine?

Why is it that life at times flies at 100 miles an hour and crawls at 10mm an hour in some others? Is it so much the company of people you are in or is it simply a state of mind? Or do we bow down to Mr. Einstein on the theory of relativity? Whichever way you go, its true. One second you feel like you are cruising through life and the next, you are down in the dumps. So further down that you feel like there is, to quote Jennifer Aniston from F.R.I.E.N.D.S, "Yesterday I felt like I had hit rock bottom. Today I feel like there's rock bottom, 6ft of garbage under it and then me".

To pump some sense into life, I think - isn't it so that when you control your mind, nothing else can really bother you much? But there too, the mind and heart are always at this eternal battle against each other. The mind - So pompous and loud. It feels like its all powerful without realizing that it is such a terrible loser compared to the heart. The heart sits by itself, not making these outlandish claims and simply wins out - always! The sad thing sometimes though is, the heart wins out without a sigh but the mind plays spoil sport just because it lost. Telling us things we SHOULD be doing. Things we SHOULD be feeling.

And while for each one of us, the result of the mind-heart battle may be different, and some of us are satisfied with the result, for a person like me, I cannot help but wonder, do I ever really win? The heart has its way most times and it makes me happy. But in those times when the heart wins but the mind spoils the party, how can I ever tell myself to be happy? Even if I tell myself this thing over and over, how do I convince myself so much so that I get back to being..well me?